Japan engineered an armed powered exoskeleton "Infinite Stratos" (IS) and it became the mainstream of weapons. Since only women can operate IS, women dominate the society over men. Orimura Ichika is a 15 year old boy and accidentally touches an IS placed in the IS pilot training school. He is found to be the only man who can operate IS and forced to enter the training school. Ichika's busy school life surrounded by girls has begun.
Aired: Jan 2011
Producers: 8bit
Genres: Action, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Shounen,romance
Ichika Orimura (織斑一夏)
The Protagonist of Infinite Stratos, the younger of the two Orimura siblings, when Ichika accidentally activated an IS, he becomes the subject of international news, being 'the only male in the world who can activate IS.'. He is known to assess every situation he is in as well as his friends and those closely related to him are usually able to guess what he is thinking on given situation, causing him to suspect whether they are mind readers. He pilots the I.S Byakku Shiki
Voice Actors
Uchiyama, Kouki
Infinite Stratos 04 http://www.mediafire.com/?se1jq5sdefy5bsp
watch IS: Infinite Stratos Episode 4 part 1
watch IS: Infinite Stratos Episode 4 part 2
Oh! Edo Rocket
DVD - Season 1 Part 1
That said, the wacky/sober balance is far from flawless. The serious developments that escape the self-parodic chopping block can wend on too long—specifically Gin's decision to join the Men in Black—and a couple of comic characters are given freer reign than they should have been. The mouth-headed roof tiler in Seikichi's row house is one of them, though even he pales in comparison to Tetsuju the Fuse, a grotesque collection of twitching pecs, rubbery lips, and overblown ego whose torture of Seikichi, and us, is allowed to continue for a criminal stretch before he is blessedly launched into oblivion atop a makeshift rocket. At other times certain elements sit ill together, most notably when Akai shifts between explosions of diseased hatred and sympathy-garnering pratfalls.