A normal high school boy Kisaragi Ryuji's peaceful life is turned into an adventure by the return of his second cousin Eriko. Ryuji and Eriko seize a relic box from a black broker. In the box, they find a red dragon girl Rose. In order to protect Rose from the black organization, Ryuji decides to fight using his power as a relic handler.
Aired: Jan 2011
Producers: Studio Deen
watch Dragon Crisis! Episode 2 part1
watch Dragon Crisis! Episode 2 part2
Dragon Crisis! 02
Kyo Kara Maoh!
Although the show is admittedly cheesy, it's no excuse for an English dub that sounds like first-timers at a school play. Mona Marshall continues to be the standout performer as Wolfram, throwing all sorts of temper tantrums, but the rest of the cast is inconsistent—sometimes the dialogue flows decently, and sometimes it comes out hopelessly wooden. The dub script sticks fairly close to the original translation, but this might have worked against it, since the dialogue lacks any real spark and could have benefited from some clever turns of phrase. In the extras section you'll find various character sketches, including clothing variations like Wolfram's frilly nightgown.