Hetalia: World Series 47 Hetalia: World Series Episode 47

Plot Summary: Italy, once home of the strongest empire in the world, has changed. This is the story of Italy, now a cowardly pasta-loving fool, and his friends (other personified countries of the world) as they live through strange moments in world history.
Genres: comedy
Themes: historical, parody, World War I, World War II

Having rescued Christmas from the GPO and made some semblance of peace with her father, Kurau seeks passage back to Earth. Naturally GPO bloodhounds Ayaka and Wong aren't making things easy for her, but she somehow manages to board an Earth-bound freighter...only to be hijacked mid-flight by a seriously unbalanced pirate. Eventually she and Christmas arrive on-planet, seeking refuge with her aunt and uncle in Switzerland. The leisurely pace of rural life agrees with both as they settle in, only to have the unexpected arrival of another Ryna sapien turn everything on its head. Yvon occupies the body of a young boy and is in desperate need of a Pair. He wants Christmas. Kurau refuses and complications of a rather violent nature ensue. Meanwhile the GPO is tracking Yvon, getting ever closer to discovering Kurau and Christmas' new hideout in the process.