Hetalia: World Series 45 Hetalia: World Series Episode 45

Plot Summary: Italy, once home of the strongest empire in the world, has changed. This is the story of Italy, now a cowardly pasta-loving fool, and his friends (other personified countries of the world) as they live through strange moments in world history.
Genres: comedy
Themes: historical, parody, World War I, World War II

The series' warming effect becomes all the more obvious with the move to Switzerland, where absolutely gorgeous backdrops of shining white peaks and evergreen forests replace the alienating cold of the futuristic cityscapes. Kurau, with her believably athletic build, unconventional good looks, and startling blue eyes, in addition to being one of the most visually appealing characters in recent memory, also fits surprisingly well into her new surroundings. Her stern features along with the generally mature and reserved supporting cast add just enough emotional distance to allow the series' warm undertones to stand out in starker relief. Thanks to that emotional reserve, the series never grows maudlin or drifts into melodrama, making its audience work a little for their emotional payoff.