Hetalia: World Series 44 Hetalia: World Series Episode 44

Plot Summary: Italy, once home of the strongest empire in the world, has changed. This is the story of Italy, now a cowardly pasta-loving fool, and his friends (other personified countries of the world) as they live through strange moments in world history.
Genres: comedy
Themes: historical, parody, World War I, World War II

That its atmosphere is chilly and its intent deeply emotional does not mean that Kurau is boring. The tension as the GPO unknowingly creeps closer is even more intense for the time spent elaborating Kurau's newfound peace, and the introduction of Yvon provides the series' first head-on Rynax versus Rynax fight. Though the number of fluid cinematic effects and amount of animation showboating has grown less as the series progresses (and the budget presumably grows thinner), Kurau and Yvon's fight bounds with real energy through the forest as they leap and dodge, plowing through trees and racing under water.