Pokemon Best Wishes! 23 Pokemon Best Wishes! Episode 23

Ash, Delia and Professor Oak went to new region of Isshu. After they arrive, Team Rocket again stole Pikachu from Ash. In the midst of the battle, Zekrom appears, and its huge lightning bolt zapped Pikachu, freeing him. Professor Araragi shows up and escorts them to her lab, where Ash meets his rival named Shooty.

After a losing battle against him, Ash noticed that Pikachu is unable to use its electricity due to Zekrom's thunderbolt. Zekrom appears once again and he gave Pikachu back his electricity. Now seeing a Legendary Pokemon again, Ash decides to go on a journey and compete in the Isshu Pokemon League. Later on, he met a Jungle girl named Iris and one of the leaders of the Sanyou Gym named Dent. Now...the three of them travel together in a world filled with mysterious creatures known as Pokemon.

Genres: adventure, comedy, tournament
Themes: monsters

Two volumes in, and the new Gacha Gacha storyline isn't much of a revolution. If anything, it's a de-evolution, appealing to the basest instincts and providing only enough tease to keep its target audience coming back for more. But why bother coming back when all it's got to offer is a half-hearted comedy that can't even make good use of an instant-win premise? There's got to be more to Akira's life than getting horny every time he sees Sakuraba undress, or throwing himself into a panic when he has to switch between Akira-chan and his usual self. Unfortunately, that potential is never explored, and hope is fading fast. Springtime may be in the air for the next volume, but the only thing that'll be good for is girls wearing fewer layers of clothing. Strange as it may be to say it, that's a terrible waste.