Hetalia: World Series 43 Hetalia: World Series Episode 43

Plot Summary: Italy, once home of the strongest empire in the world, has changed. This is the story of Italy, now a cowardly pasta-loving fool, and his friends (other personified countries of the world) as they live through strange moments in world history.
Genres: comedy
Themes: historical, parody, World War I, World War II

Even when interweaving many styles to create action themes or working with electric guitars, Yukari Katsuki's score for Kurau has a certain delicate fragility to it. Her compositions are crucial to the series' success; nearly every piece is memorable in its own right, despite the variety of styles and instruments. The very best works are those used in introspective and tragic scenes, particularly the achingly sad piano arrangement of the superb closing theme. Director Yasuhiro Irie has a habit of cuing swelling emotions with swelling music that is far from subtle yet is also extremely effective.