To anyone who is eagerly anticipating more anime news, bear with me. I had to take a short break to reassess my goals. It tends to get lonely, now that I'm away from college, from most of my anime-watching friends. I'd like to use my writing skills as part of a career. So far, I haven't earned all the money I would need to pay off my debt to my mom and dad.
So after spending a couple weeks reassessing my goals, I decided to write what I like. And so I'm returning to my second passion: writing anime reviews. Keep in mind, however, that this blog might head into uncharted territory, with reviews of anime-related video games.
By anime-related, I'm talking about the countless number of games with characters drawn in a Japanese anime style. These games will be on consoles such as the Playstation 2, the Nintendo Wii and the Nintendo DS. I had to limit my choices somewhat, because I don't feel like buying any new consoles yet.
I'm kind of stretching this blog into this genre, because I'm spending more time playing these games for the colorful character designs. The games can have a wide range of monsters and creatures. They can look almost as cute as the Mokona bunnies from various anime and manga by CLAMP. And ever since the Japanese role-playing game, Chrono Trigger, these anime character are spreading into JRPGs like a warm, fuzzy virus.
So don't be surprised if I switch from talking about "Soul Eater" to discussing the implausible plot of the anime-style game, "Sin and Punishment: Star Successor." It's only a matter of time before anime and anime video games eventually take over the world. It's like those Michael Jackson lyrics to "We are the World." Anime will make the world a better place for you and for me.
At least in this blog, it will.
Image courtesy of miraigamer.net