Watch Gosick Episode 9 English subbed

Plot Summary: GOSICK takes place in 1924 in a small, made-up European country of Sauville. The story centers on Kazuya Kujo, the third son of a Japanese Imperial soldier, who is a transfer student to St. Marguerite Academy, where urban legends and horror stories are all the rage. There he meets Victorique, a mysterious yet beautiful and brilliant girl who never comes to class and spends her days reading the entire content of the library or solving mysteries that even detectives can't solve.

Opening Theme:
"Destine Histoire" by risa
Ending Theme:
"Resuscitated Hope" by Lisa Komine

Our Home's Fox Deity
Sub.DVD 1 - Premium Edition
The first hint that something is interesting in dullsville is the episode's post-credits coda, where a glimpse of an actual sense of humor can be caught. The show goes on to distinguish itself in a lot of dumb, little, yet strangely important ways. Noboru, it turns out, isn't really the main character. At least, not alone. He shares the throne with Ku and, most importantly, Toru. Noboru doesn't live alone, as countless romantic heroes do, but with his amusingly even-keeled dad. Ku's avowed asexuality turns out to be quite real. While for the purposes of clarity she's been assigned the female pronoun, Ku is equally comfortable in male or female guise, and equally comfortable seducing policemen or flocks of teen girls. The focus on eleven-year-old Toru, the presence of a chaperone, and Ku's absolute disinterest in matters of the heart effectively banish romance from Fox Deity's bag o' ambitions. The only romance going on in Fox Deity is inside the too-active imagination of Noboru's wannabe girlfriend Misaki, who incidentally is the closest thing Noboru has to a real romantic interest.