Watch Episode 10 Oniichan no Koto nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne!!

Anime based on Kōichi Kusano's online manga to premiere next month

Starchild Records, the anime label of the music company King Records, began streaming a television commercial for the Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne—!! anime series on Tuesday.

The anime adapts Kōichi Kusano's online manga of the same name, which centers around the "slightly dangerous relationship" between Shūsuke (Toshiyuki Toyonaga), a boy who likes risque books and DVDs, and Nao (Eri Kitamura), Shūsuke's younger sister. The anime will premiere in Japan next month.

This Ugly Yet Beautiful World
DVD 3: Red Swarm

To some, this quiet, unusually introspective finale might seem anti-climactic, but for those willing to put forth the effort to examine it carefully, this volume is proof positive that underneath all of the "eek! I walked in on a naked girl!" romantic-comedy hi-jinks of previous installments lurks the threads of an unflinching character-driven romantic drama.